Apart from creating discursive spaces for sharing the heaviness of financial abstraction, Valentina and Pieter are also experimenting with challenging market structures in practice. They are researching ways towards a more economically sustainable art practice, not depended on external funds or on the dictations of the speculative art market. More specifically, they are creating a market for the artwork Valentina and Pieter invest in themselves (2013), a golden coin-like sculpture, in which, the public has the possibility to actively participate in the value creation of art.
How it works
- Equities are sold for a flexible amount.
- The sum of all individual investments determines the total value of the artwork; a transparent and clear way for measuring its value.
- The artwork is owned by the collective body of equity holders.
- If there is an offer that is higher than the current total value, the equity holders can decide whether they want to sell or keep it collectively owned.
- If decided to sell, the profit will be divided among the equity holders according to the percentage of each initial investment.
Interested in participating?
mail to contact(at)marketforimmaterialvalue(dot)com
Legal advisor: Prodromos Tsiavos
Upcoming market points:
10.03.2017 SixtyEight Art Institute, CopenhagenPast market points:
12 / 15.11.2015 CYNETART
03 / 07.02.2016 transmediale/conversation piece
Equity Holders:
- Prodromos Tsiavos
- Franziska Goralski
- Verena Göhler
- Michael Schroeder
- Gilly Karjevsky
- Anneline Geerts
- César Octavio Lugo Elias
- Jessica Bridger
- Lexi Tsien
- Oliver Spall
- Vermeir + Heiremans
- Gun Woo Park
- Lars Zimmermann
- Lisa Conrad
- Federica Menin and Costas Nikandros
- Viktor Bedö
- Ludwig Engel
- Ana Filipovic
- Philipp Mecke
- Daniela Arriado
- Michael Ang
- Anni B. Ramussen
- Clifford Phillips
- Veronika Hoffmann
- Søren Thilo Funder
- Anne Julie Arnfred
- Charlotte Schwartz
- Iben Bach Elmstrøm
- Christopher Sand Iversen
- Jacob Fabricius
- Emil Salto
- Steyn Bergs
Valentina and Pieter invest in themselves (2013)